Research page:Body exercises

On this page you find a collection of exercises assembled or created by John Eagles. This research page was made in preparation for a regular ERW course. Although the title is 'Body exercises,' many of the exercises are in the field of martial arts. These exercises are however not only meant to increase normal fighting skills, but center on self-defense, general health of the body, and specifically to increase your spiritual fighting abilities.

Ball - practice round movements

Ball - practice round movements.jpg

Use balls of different sizes and weights. Practice to move the ball in round movements.

Variation: Move around the ball with one hand, an elbow, one finger, foot, knee, shoulder. You can put the ball on a standard or on the floor. The ball should not move but you should continuously touch it. The movements are preparations for kicks, punches and defenses. They train your body to always make smooth round movements. It's also a good way to get rid of stiffness in your body.

Children - Catch the wind

Children - Catch the wind.jpg

Stand like a tree and move your arms simultaneously waving up above your head and down again. Imagine that your arms are branches with leaves catching wind energy.

This exercise is to stretch your body but also a beginner's exercise to learn to take in good energies from nature.

Children or partners: Sitting, stretched legs, pulling hands

Children or partners Sitting, stretched legs, pulling hands.jpg

Children or partners: Sitting, stretched legs, pulling hands

Two children or adults sit facing each other with stretched legs, feet touching. They hold each other's hands and pull, in different variations. - One child pulls the other child until buttocks are off from the floor. - Pull both only with right or left hands. - Try to pull suddenly to move the other out of position - One person tries to exhaust the other

Children - The walking bridge

Children - The walking bridge.jpg

Lie on your back and place your hand palms on the floor above (behind) your shoulders, near your head. Walk your hands closer to your feet until your body makes a bridge with the belly upwards.

I cannot do this exercise myself but i sometimes try.

Effective kicks and punches

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Practice diverse kicks and punches and do the following:

  • Tighten your muscles only at the end of the movement
  • Find the quickest and easiest path for the moving body part
  • Keep your muscles relaxed
  • Do it as slowly as possible
  • Do it as fast as possible
  • Concentrate on the technique, prepare in your mind what you are going to do and then execute
  • Let your body move with the kick or punch for added speed and strength (shoulders, hips, turning of body)
  • Let your standing foot give extra push and speed by lifting it up a little and pushing in the direction of the technique

How to develop chi

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Chi is energy of the body. Many martial artists focus on developing their chi more than on learning technical exercises. We find the word 'chi' in Chinese practices such as Qi Gong [1] and Tai Chi Chuan [2] and in the Japanese discipline Aikido [3] . These are only a few examples of martial arts forms (health practice forms) making use of chi.

We know that all matter can be brought back to energy. Chi is the energy of the living body. Because mind and body relate as subject and object partners, to learn about chi has more to do with your mind than with your body. Developing your chi can be done with exercises such as given in Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Aikido. It can also be done in many different ways.

You can develop your chi with many exercises. You'll often have more benefit from developing chi through simple exercises than through advanced ones. The important thing is to have the right thinking and feeling and concentration while doing the exercise.

The first that must be acquired is the awareness of chi flowing through your body. You can do exercises as physical actions of your body, you can also do them by being aware of the flowing of chi. Each movement can be made either as an ordinary movement of the matter of your body; it can also be done by guiding the movement with chi.

How to become aware of chi in your body?

Here are a few tips:

First, when you move, think of your body as being water. Water flows. When you think of your body as being water, your movements will become flowing and because of that chi will flow more easily. By being attentive you can discover the flow of chi in your body.

Another method is that when you move part of your body, try to feel the air through that it moves. Make slow and fluent movements and imagine that your body is floating in the air. Also in this way you can become more aware of chi.

Chi doesn't flow without your movement having purpose. This purpose is given by your heart and mind, not by your body. Therefore, when you exercise, be aware of the purpose of each movement. For example, you can imagine that you make a defensive movement against an enemy attacking you or your friend or child. It is by having such a purpose in your mind that chi begins to flow more than if you practice in mechanical ways.

How to set up your own training schedule

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Here i shall give a few tips and ideas for how to set up your own training schedule for practice of body exercises.

Most important is to keep a daily discipline to exercise during some time each day. How to motivate yourself?

The first to do is to make yourself clear about the purpose and goals of your training. What do you want to reach eventually (purpose, more internal) and what you need to accomplish for that (goals, more external). For example, your purpose could be mind-body unity, or to become a champion fighter, or to learn using chi, or to learn dancing, or to get a healthy body. Once you are clear about the purpose of your training, why you want to practice daily, you can determine about short-time goals.

Human Weapon Kung Fu - Chain Punching (Wing Tsun)

Study this video shot on top of the Great Wall of China and learn about the art of self-defense of Wing Tsun [4]. Learn to speed up the movements of your punching by relaxing your arms.

Jet Li Conditioning and Training

Learn from Jet Li [5]. View this video several times. Take out your favorite exercises from this video and practice this alone or with friends.

Learn to kick or punch with energy from your gravity chakra

  1. Stand in squatting position for a few minutes, concentrating on the energy of the center of the earth.
  2. In standing position, move your hands down to the earth as if you want to grasp the energy of the center of the earth and then bring your hands slowly up with your hand palms facing upward. Bring the energy of the earth into your gravity chakra[6][7]. It is located in your belly with the center behind your belly button.
  3. In standing position, concentrate on the gravity chakra and align it with the turning center of the earth. When you do it correctly, you can feel that the energy in your gravity chakra will orbit around the center as well.
  4. Make punches or kicks and make sure that your arms or legs follow the energy that you send from your gravity chakra. The movement starts in your belly and always the flowing energy directs the movement. Keep your arms and shoulders or legs and hips as relaxed as possible.
  5. When you can manage to kick or punch in this way while keeping your concentration on your gravity chakra and the center of the earth simultaneously, energy can flow directly from the earth into your belly into your kicks or punches.

Muscle contraction

Skeletal muscle.jpg

Study this article Muscle contraction - Wikipedia about muscle contraction and apply this knowledge to benefit your training.

Normal knee kick

Normal knee kick.jpg

Standing in stable position, kick your knee out in front. Make sure that you add extra push from your standing leg. Let the energy flow from the earth through your standing leg into your kicking knee. Connect to the earth through your legs and feet. Feel the energy of the earth. Concentrate! Repeat 10s of times for each leg. Don't ever do one rep without concentration. Each time that you exercise in concentration adds to your ability. Advance in this simple exercise by improving each aspect of it, fluency, energy flow, concentration, etc. Move your leg as in a flow. Energy only flows through a current. It's your thoughts that determine how much impact you're going to have. Keep perfecting this movement by concentrating on energy flow, body posture, speed of movement, having the right thoughts, etc.

Play darts to exercise concentration and purposefulness

Play darts to exercise concentration and purposefulness.jpg

I've often been playing this game with friends. It doesn't matter on which level you play, but practicing this game will increase your ability to concentrate and to aim on a goal.

When you can find partners to play competition it's more fun. Google 'darts' and you'll find a lot of videos showing how to do it.

I tried to show someone how to improve his technique and with my first throw i copied his style. Then i threw the bulls-eye shown in the picture above. So i stopped teaching him. I admit, i am only a beginner in this game. That invites more training and learning.

Stand-ups side to side

Stand-ups side to side.jpg

Spread your legs to about 1 1/2 shoulder width. Make sure your feet are parallel to each other with the toes pointing forward. Sink down, going down through one knee until your knee is bent and your body's weight is above that leg. Raise your body coming to a standing position with the weight between the two legs and then sink down through the other knee. Make 8-shaped movements with your hips and O-shaped movements with your knees.

Strength in your legs and flexibility in knees and ankles is basic for all martial arts.

Making circular movements (instead of just going up and down) enhances the effect of the exercise and keeps the energy flowing.

The rhythm of energy

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Practice the rhythm of energy. All energy flows rhythmically. Each energy has its own rhythm. Compare sowing seeds for grass land. Learn to find the rhythmic flow of each energy. Bring your own body's functioning and moving in alignment with the rhythm of an energy you want to use. Bring harmony between the many energy rhythms that influence you simultaneously, air, sun, earth, blood flow, breathing, rhythm of your arm movements, leg movements etc. Compare African tribes doing land work while singing together. The rhythms are like a music composition, for example one beat goes ten times quicker than another. They have to come in unison to bring about harmony, in a constant relationship between the two, one to 10, or one to 3 etc.

I practiced this when i was a farmer, for example sowing seeds while walking and moving the arms throwing out the seeds, or working the soil with tools and trying to bring your body in harmony within itself and with the environment and the movements of the tool.

Up toes

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Standing on one leg, rise up as high as you can on your toes. Keep that position for some time. This exercise is good for the muscles of your feet. It also improves your balance. You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by making movements with the leg that you lifted up.

Walk like a cat

Шагающая кошка.jpg

Go on your hands and feet and walk like a cat. Think that you become a cat and draw the cat's energy into you and feel how a cat is entirely living and moving on the energy of the earth. Make this energy flow through your entire body. Don't just try to move as a cat, but try to get the cat's energy into yourself and express this energy and then you will feel and move as a cat and also acquire abilities of the cat.
