Clay-humus complex

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Topic in Gardening courses. By John Eagles.
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The clay-humus complex as described in soil study refers to the formation of aggregates of organic fragments such as humic substances with inorganic particles such as clay minerals. Both clay minerals and humic substances are soil colloids.

From: Humic substances are capable of individual soil particles connect to a crumb structure and thus the soil structure to stabilize. These aggregate structures are made ​​by combining Tonkolloiden calcium bridges formed with humic substances into humic topsoil. The resulting organo-mineral compounds are known as clay-humus complex, or lime-clay-humus complex. The combination of organic and mineral substances from live as crumbs obstruction occurs only at high activity of soil organisms . Crumb structure is optimal in the humus form "Mull" to find. While the clay minerals and Huminsäurereste (organic dipoles) of humus are negatively charged, is the Ca 2 + ion or other multivalent cations, such as Mg 2 + - a neutralizing bridge.

The resulting complex stabilizes the soil against erosion and siltation, creates the pore volume of the soil conditions favorable for the air-and water balance and thus results in a higher soil fertility . The binding of the positively charged ions, these nutrient salts are important for the plant materials are not washed by rain into the deeper soil layers. They are later released by the plant through an ion exchange of the THK's and utilized.

Conveniently, the elasticity of the crumb structure formed. The tilth of the soil life is the formation of clay-humus complexes promote sustainable than, for example, when a frost action is possible. The physical structures of the related Segregatgefüge are only temporarily favorable for crop production, because they can crack quickly lose their function and further decay.

Excessive tillage, however, leads to the disintegration of every crumb structure - in this culture, horticulture is error as "Totfräsen" refers to a soil.

See also

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