
John Eagles
See John Eagles - all articles with titles of all my articles here on ERW or linked to from here.


ERW will have its own mail system. Until this is installed you can reach me here:

Main pages i am working on

Newest pages on top. Shown here are the main pages, not all of the underlying pages, which are linked to in the main or overview pages.

Main pages of other users

Notes for myself

  • I've checked everything i published in my blogs elsewhere on the internet, also my notes on Facebook. I haven't published all of my photos and videos on Facebook. There's still photos with interesting information there, but at this stage difficult to incorporate on ERW. Save for later!
  • See Photosynthesis for how to make a 'topics' page
  • See Spiritual aspects of gardening for format of how to include chapters & tests.
  • See Mullein for format of how to include embedded videos.