Spiritual spaces & physical spaces

From eagle-rock.org
This page is part of an ERW course: Spiritual exercises, section Articles.
By John Eagles, August 2, 2010.

To conduct our lives in a good way, we must become aware of the spiritual reality. The spiritual reality is very near to us, even we might often not realize this. Although while living in the physical world we tend to think of ourselves as physical people having a body and a mind, it is also true that our spirits dwell in our bodies.

In a sense our spirit is so close to us that we may overlook its presence. There are spiritual aspects to all that we are and all that we do. The same is true for our environment, the world around us of houses and nature and stars and the earth.

A home can be seen as the best place of practice to become aware of the spiritual reality and to learn to deal with it properly. The home is the place where we can have most control over our physical and spiritual situation. That is one of the main meanings of the 'home.'

How can we understand the rooms, the spaces in and around our home? Each room, each space is not only distinguished physically, it is also a more or less spiritually distinct place. This means that for each distinct space or room in the physical world it is true that certain spirits have access and others don't. It is also true that each room or space has their own specific history of events that took place. People and spirits did things in one room which they did not do in another room. Objects were brought in, actions were made, thoughts and feelings expressed. All this together builds up an atmosphere in a room, a spiritual atmosphere that can be sensed.

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When we look at the drawing above, it could be that K is a public road. As such it gives access to many people. Also in the spiritual world this road exists and just like it is true in the physical world, many different spirits can go over this road. It means that such a road is great for going from one place to another, but you would not want to do your prayer or meditation there.

Road J is already different. Most travelers going over road K won't be interested to enter the path J to your house. Still, you cannot very well control the spiritual atmosphere on road J as also uninvited spirits can easily go on that road.

L is also space outside of your home. It is not the same as road K because it is not a road. It may be that L is grassland or forest or other houses. It is not under your direct control because you don't own L, but it also is not such a easy path of access as the road K.

The spaces inside the brown fence is what you can call your home. F, G, H and I are garden spaces. Depending on the history of these segments and on their location in relation to your house and the outer environment, each of these spaces are different. For example I has the meaning of forming the connection between the world outside of your home and the front door. In terms of a temple, this space has the meaning of an outer court. It is where visitors should leave the dirt they may have picked up outside and where they should prepare to enter your home with good feelings and thoughts.

Inside the house, A could be an altar that forms the center of your spiritual life. Let's say that B is a living room where you live with your family. Room E is a hall that functions as an inner court. Maybe in E people put off their shoes and coats. In terms of your home being a temple, it may be where external offerings are made and where some kind of cleansing is expected. For example, a guest might offer flowers to you here.

When you want to live a life under God you need a home for your family. Just like you must keep your body sacred so you must keep your home a divine place. Just like your heart and mind need the body to express itself and to give protection to your inner world, so a house is to offer protection to your family and it is to be the place where you can express your creativity.

There always is a history to each space or room. For example, it could be that your house was built on an ancient forgotten burial place. In that case, some kind of restoration must take place related to this. Say that in room C of your house a person has died long ago. His ghost may still be in that room. Restoration is needed.

Suppose that room D was inhabited by a guest who had strong hatred against God. In that case, the feelings of hatred may still be felt there. This can attract spirits who also hate God. Restoration for that particular room will be needed as soon as you wish to give a higher purpose to that room.


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