The influence of prayers and good thoughts and feelings on people in spirit world
- This page is part of an ERW course: Internal Guidance - Prayer.
- By John Eagles, September 11, 2009.
Each of us has beloved ancestors, relatives and friends in the spiritual world. In a more ideal world it would be possible to live with them in a closeness similar to that between the members in a loving family on earth.
The people in spirit world are in all kind of situations. There are those who are so undeveloped that they do not even know anymore that they exist, they don't know they are human beings, they don't know their names, they cannot speak to anybody else. These kinds of spirits are at the lowest level of their development and it happens only to them who lived a completely materialistic life in total unawareness of the spiritual reality. This is one reason why atheism and materialism are such tragical ideologies.
Other spirits are at higher stages of development. But unless such spirits have very much developed their love for many people, their possibilities of travel are still limited. When someone has always lived for his work and career and never spent much love for his family, that person will find it very difficult when in spirit world to relate to family relatives on earth. People in spirit world generally continue to live the kind of life they have lived during their existence in a physical body. A person who mainly loved the house he once built may love that house more than his children and as long as his children and grandchildren live in that house, he will be with them, but when descendants move out from that house, they cannot anymore be visited by the ancestor who is bound to his house. We know about one such a kind of spiritual reality when we speak about so-called ghost houses.
These were some examples to make more clear in which situations spiritual people could be. And the question was how we can reach our ancestors, relatives and friends in the spiritual world. The answer is actually rather simple, in a sense. When someone in the physical world who is not near to you thinks strongly of you and sends you much love, you would generally sense that in some kind of way. People are different in how sensitive they are for this, but most people, even those who are not distinctly religious or spiritual, would feel this. How is this possible?
Our love and our feelings and thoughts transpass the world of the visible. Love, feelings, thoughts, especially when they are strong and also are having a clear direction towards an object, travel through the spiritual realms in the form of energy. We know that everything in the cosmos is in principle energy. Both the physical and the spiritual world are made out of love and energy. These worlds only differ in the degree and the way that this energy has been expressed into different forms and substance.
We can therefore reach each of our ancestors, relatives and friends when we send them good love and strong and clear thoughts and feelings of sympathy. We can be sure that whenever we pray for a person in spirit world, this will have influence and when our prayers and thoughts are elevated, this influence will be positive.
When you feel the love, thoughts and feelings of somebody in spirit world, does this mean that this person always is visiting you? In many cases this person could be with you, but it is also possible that this person in spirit world is not with you but only thinks of you in a loving way. What is true for our prayers and thoughts and feelings, that they can be sensed by people in spirit world even when they are not with us, is also true the other way around.
Does this always constitute a problem? Not necessarily. A spirit cannot be on two places at the same time. If a particular ancestor in spirit world has a mission to accomplish on another place and with another person, he or she might not be able to attend you directly always. But you can still keep a connection to that spirit person and give support to him or her through your prayers and other good conditions.
One reason that spirit people cannot always travel so easily from one place to another, visiting all their beloved descendants and friends living in the physical world, is that the spiritual world is still rather much a confused and messy place. Look at the many places on earth where people are committing sins all the time, for example in casinos or places of war. We cannot expect that the spiritual world of such places is clean and open and easily accessible for good spirits. When spirits have to travel to, from or through such places, it is very difficult for them.
- Question: A spirit cannot be at two places at the same time. You mentioned about a vast amount of pollution up there in the spiritual world. But would it be possible in a spiritual world that is cleaned and restored? I thought that developed spirits were not bound to time and space, such that they can be on two places at the same time. If I would worship Jesus here in Europe and somebody else does that in Africa and a third person does the same in Asia... Can Jesus not come and interact with all three at the same time?
Time and space in spirit world do have a different meaning than time and space in the physical world, but there is time and space, also in spirit world.
First of all, in spirit world there is the time and space that is connected to the physical world. As a spirit you can only meet those that are living in this time and you can only meet them in the space where they physically are.
Then there is also time and space in those spiritual realms that are disconnected from the physical world. Time and space have a different meaning spiritually, but it can still be counted or measured in some ways.
Advanced spirits can move through spirit world very quickly but it still takes a very little bit of time when you measure that in the physical world.
For any normal spirit, however advanced, it is not possible to be at two places at the same time. It is possible though for a spirit to extend the awareness to more people and more places.
That is not yet full communication. For example, Jesus could not answer more than one prayer at the time. God can do that but not Jesus. Jesus would have to go to that person, and then to another one, and that takes him time and effort.
Spirit world seems magical to many people and that's why I think that many strange ideas were thought up. But the spiritual world is substantial like the physical world, although not of the same substance. There are clear principles and laws governing the spiritual world.
When you enter the spiritual world, you will go there with exactly those spiritual abilities that you developed in your physical body. From there on you can grow further in spirit world according to the principles of growth for spirit world; and that takes time, very much time usually.
- Question: "Jesus could not answer more than one prayer at the time. God can do that but not Jesus. Jesus would have to go to that person, and then to another one, and that takes him time and effort." How free is Heung Jin Nim-and any of the other religious leaders like Buddha or Mohammed- to move around in the spiritual world and to assist multiple people on earth at the same time? "If a particular ancestor in spirit world has a mission to accomplish on another place and with another person, he or she might not be able to attend you directly always." Is the below an illustration of what you're saying? A few months ago some earthly people reported having 'interaction' with Hyo Jin Nim (in the spirit world), while Daemonim reportedly declared that this could not be possible, because Hyo Jin Nim was occupied with other things in the spiritual world during that time.
Each human spirit or angel is restricted in many ways. The most advanced spirits can visit many people on earth, but they cannot be with two people at the same time.
I am aware of the confusion caused by reported apparitions of Hyo Jin Nim. I cannot comment on them specifically as I would have to know the exact circumstances, time and date of each stated appearance and then I would still have to do much research in spirit world to discover whether Hyo Jin Nim really was there or not.
But I can say the following: There are many angels and also human spirits who can very well copy other spirits. This has been done very much in the past and it still happens in the present. This means that it could very well be that Hyo Jin Nim did not really visit all of those people. We need to be very careful with this.
I know that Jesus has been faked countless times over the course of history. Sometimes it is easy to judge them as fakes, at other times it is much more difficult.
For myself I always keep a certain distance to what spirits tell me or to what other people report to me what spirits told them. The main thing for each of us is to do God's will in our daily lives and when time passes, many answers can be given in that way. Our spiritual progress is not based on knowing but on having faith, and that faith always has to be our personal obedience to God.
In general, spirit people like Buddha, Jesus and Heung Jin Nim can visit all those people on earth who have a heart connection to them. Because many people love Buddha or Jesus or Heung Jin Nim, these human spirits can usually visit those by whom they are loved.
Yet, when any of these spirit people is with a person on earth, during that same time they cannot also attend to another person on earth. They are giving their personal love to that particular physical person, they need to give energy and need time to come to understand the personal circumstances surrounding that person, etc.
- Question: "They need to give energy and need time to come to understand the personal circumstances surrounding that person, etc." As you know very well, there is this concept of the built-in human video recorder that records meticulously all actions, thoughts and emotions of the earthly person. At the time of transition to the spiritual world the earthly person is expected to be confronted with this video tape and as such will get an instant overview and a multidimensional evaluation of his entire life... So it is wrong to think that spirits -even the developed ones- can have access to this videotape and as such be almost instantly omniscient about somebody's reality and history?
The video tape recording all that we did on earth is an analogy. There is of course not really such a tape. All that we once did is contained in some way or another in our body. Now imagine that huge load of information that can be read, but only by most advanced spirits, and that still takes loads of time and effort to do it.
Imagine that your whole life was taped on video and put in a computer. To get access to all the information, you would need a lifetime, wouldn't you?
What we experience after death of the physical body is a kind of running in front of our mind of the main events that took place in our lives. I believe that this happens when the energies of the physical body enter the spirit body. After we died, we get some kind of impression in the form of images and feelings of these energies entering our spirit body. Many spirits though are not advanced enough to experience anything at that moment. And others will only get to experience some kind of summary. It's still another thing for another spirit to get access to that same information.
Besides that, people on earth are in particular situations. There are people around them, they are doing or failing a mission, etc. All these facts need to be observed and understood to a certain degree by a helping spirit.
Imagine that Jesus would visit you in the physical world, in his own physical body. Would he not need much time and effort to get to know you and the people around you? It is the same in the spiritual world. If a spirit can read the 'video tape' from spirit world, he would also be able to do it when he was still in his body. It is a very advanced and time-consuming and difficult skill. Most of the time it is much easier for a spirit person to just take time to study the person's actions, thoughts, talks, relations, etc.
- Question: "Imagine that Jesus would visit you in the physical world, in his own physical body. Would he not need much time and effort to get to know you and the people around you?" From what I know about "the matching" I understood that Rev Moon is able to spiritually scan a person in a matter of seconds or minutes, through which he can have an overview of a person's life course, the ancestors of that person, their mistakes, their merit... So reportedly he can quickly see and detect critical aspects of a person's past, present and future... I would have thought that advanced spirits may have similar abilities.
I don't know what Rev. Moon can see or not see because I never looked through his eyes. I also believe that many things are possible that we have no idea of.
At the same time, it is true that everything is governed by principles. One element of all is that there is time. When you want to give love to a person, it takes you time. When you want to get to know a person, you are helped by advanced spiritual skills but it still takes time. The same is true for any person in the spiritual world.
When we must make a foundation of faith it needs a certain time period. Time is important and even though some people like Rev. Moon have very advanced skills, it is still explainable by principles.
For example, to learn a language... Would language skills of a person not also be contained in that video tape? They are. But have you ever met a person who could scan that video tape and instantly speak a new language? Again, it takes time and effort to read it and to learn from it.
- Question: "I believe that this happens when the energies of the physical body enter the spirit body." First time I read about such a concept. You mention that this transition of energies from physical to spiritual body creates images and feelings, which allow us to review our lives to some extent. Are there perhaps other reasons why all or why some of the energies of the physical body are exported to the spiritual body upon transition into the spiritual world? Thank you.
The spirit body dwells in the physical body. When the physical body dies, the spirit body separates from the physical body. Have you ever heard of people temporarily leaving their body to go into the spirit world? When this happens, the physical body gets different experiences than the spirit body.
When people do things that are more physically oriented and that have no spiritual meaning, these experiences still transform the physical body. When people have deep spiritual experiences, these transform first of all the spirit.
That what the spirit body contains of memories is not necessarily the same as what the physical body collects. When another spirit temporarily dwells in an other's person physical body, the physical body gets experiences that the spirit of the body doesn't get in the same way.
Therefore, the physical body has a reality of its own, partly the same as the spirit body and partly different. Even if the experiences of spirit body and physical body are similar there may still be differences between that what sticks to the spirit and what to the physical body.
At the moment of death of the physical body, all the good merit that was collected in the body, but also all the burdens, are being transmitted into the spirit body. Death is supposed to be an offering where good and evil elements are being separated. To bring this offering in a good way is very helpful to the spirit who lives on in the spirit world.
The spirit person receives the offering of the physical body in the form of a life's overview and can then make a decision how to proceed upcoming life in the spirit world.
Compare this to the circumcision of the Israelites who entered Canaan. The circumcision had the meaning of a separation of good and evil in order to offer themselves for a new course.