The nature of the Heaven-Earth level in the Fundamental Energy Structure
- This exercise is part of Energy exercises & principles
- By John Eagles, August 16, 2012.
Here's more explanation about the diagram shown to the right, showing the fundamental energy structure of a human being and also of the cosmos.
The first level shown is on the level of heart, the Heaven-Earth axis. Out of energy from Heaven flowing to Earth come forth seven fundamental energies that relate to the seven chakras. We can think of these seven chakras operating on the mind level. The seven energies of the chakras converge again into one united body sphere.
It is important to realize that when we speak about the Heaven-Earth axis in this diagram, there is only one energy. The energy that comes to us from Heaven is energy that comes from God. It is creative energy from which everything in the cosmos was made. This energy is basically the same whether it is called 'Heaven' or called 'Earth.' This energy can also be called Universal Prime Force.
Think of lightning. Lightning starts in the clouds and moves to the earth. But it is the same energy all the time. In the same way, energy that comes from God, and which is called 'Heaven' in the diagram, is this energy in its source, and the same energy goes to its destination, and then is called 'Earth' in the diagram.
When we look at the energy of lightning, it has various elements in it. For example, in lightning is heat and light. There can also be anger in lightning, for example when lightning hits and cleanses something evil.
In the same way, energy from God or Heaven descends to its destination, and it has several aspects, several characteristics. These characteristics of energy on the level of Heart are expressed in seven main energies on the level of mind, that is the level of the seven chakras. For example, there is a mind aspect to the energy that is in us from God, and that mind energy is expressed in an energy that we call ether, which is collected in the throat chakra. There also are more external aspects of the same energy, and these energies we can call Air, Fire, Water and Earth. (Earth here doesn't mean Earth as in destination on the heart level, but it means a formation energy of our bodies, connected to the root chakra that also gives energy to sexual union). There is also love in that energy and there is originating love from God in that energy that operates on the heart level in the Heart-Earth axis.
Energy comes from God, and on the most internal level, that of heart, it has a source in Heaven, and a destination, which we call Earth.
That energy on the heart level then expresses through seven chakras on the mind level. These energies again express in the body, on the body level, as one united sphere of energy.