Why God wants everybody to develop through Divine School (6/25/13)
John Eagles June 25, 2013 Why God wants everybody to develop through Divine School
God created everybody in the universe as God's children, as God's son or God's daughter. God created man as an image of God. God expresses through all of creation, and God also wants to express through man.
A world through which God expresses is a world full of creations that harmoniously fulfill their purpose. They are each fulfilling their part of building God's world.
God created all things such that they automatically do for what they were created. In that way, all creations are expressing God, even when this goes automatically, because they are fulfilling what God wants them to fulfill. But this is actually on a lower level.
God created man at the highest level. God gave freedom to man, freedom in all possible ways. But also man has a purpose for which man was created. Since man did not give to man an automatic instinct, God has provided for man Divine School.
Divine School is an endless training for man to become how God wants man to be. While other creations fulfill their purpose through their automated instinct, man must develop him- or herself to learn to deal with any possible situation. Man must become an image of God, in order for man to be able to deal with all other things of creation in the way that God would do this. Because God created all creations to live in harmony with each other, also man must learn to serve creations, learn to take care of them, learn to live in harmony with them.
Man is also part of God's creation, but man is a higher creation of God. Man must also learn to relate to other humans. God has created people as God's children and wants everyone to develop as God's child. When man grows, man will become a parent, and a family grows out to a tribe, and the tribe to a nation. These larger communities would come in chaos if God had not invented a system for people to live in communities. It is good to learn about traditions and structures for God world, how God wants these to be, but in our own daily lives it is better to focus on our own development.
God set up Divine School, which is a set of training courses through which man can develop. These courses will be different for each individual. Each person must directly learn from God, and from their parents, and so each course and each training will be unique.
Each person in the universe is unique, therefore also each training course in Divine School must be unique for each individual. Each person must develop a personal relationship to God. Then God will give to each person his or her own kind of training, what is fitting for this person and his or her personal mission.
Written by a 15-year old.