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Cole Thomas The Garden of Eden 1828.jpg
This page is part of an ERW course, Divine Principle. By John Eagles, 1999.

An ideal world is possible and is coming into being because God planned an ideal world and God is Absolute. The reason that people often lost faith in the Ideal is because they were defeated by the force that also destroyed God's original world. That force is strong, but not unbeatable. God worked a long providence to restore the original world. There were many failures of people who had to fulfill certain responsibilities. Those failures caused prolongation of God's work of restoration, and also caused many people to give up their faith in an ideal world. Once failures of the past have been overcome, new hope is dawning. Our time is a time of new hope. The Divine Principle explains about God's original Ideal World, about the Principles of how to build it, about how the Ideal World was lost, and about the failures to restore the ideal world during the centuries of history. Most of all, the Divine Principle explains how these failures can be overcome, so that in our time the Ideal World is constructed. [1]

  1. From Divine Principle Book (1.2 - Edition 2, 1999)