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By John Eagles, November 14, 2010.
This page is part of an ERW course, Divine Principle.

Restoration is a very complex thing as we attempt to overcome the problems of our ancestors and find ourselves in misty parallels to situations we didn't even know about.

Let's try to understand how restoration works. Suppose there is a couple, Adam and Eve, who started out in a good way but who made some mistakes along their path in life. Their mistakes are passed on to their children. Some children inherit one bad trait and other children inherit another one. The same is true for the inheritance of assets. In addition to this it is true that there is influence from different groups in spirit world on the lives of the children.

Let say that child A is religious so child A gets support from religious spirits. It becomes the task of child A to help his siblings and as he does, he is confronted with problems coming through them and also with the spirit world connected to them.

Child B happens to be a thief and thief-like spirits are with him. Child C has problems with sexuality, lives a too free life sexually. In this example the children A, B and C could be male or female.

What about the grandchildren? There are the children of A, the children of B and the children of C. The children of B inherit stolen money, a bad reputation and a cloud of spirits that try to push them to be a thief like B. Because of this inheritance, B's children must first restore B's life and only after they did this, they can come in the position to restore the lives of their grandparents Adam and Eve.

We learn from this that restoration goes backwards through the generations and that situations parallel to those of the ancestors will come up. For example, the child of B will come in situations in which B was tempted to steal. B will come in such situations because of growing up in an environment, the family of B and the spirit world connected to B, where such temptations are frequent.

Let us follow the person A, who is the one with religious inclinations. His children will inherit fewer problems and more good traits. They also will inherit the company of a better spirit world. But, their task always will be to relate to their siblings who had less good fortune. It will be the mission of the A-line people to help their brothers and sisters to overcome their problems.

As the generations multiply, there may be many descendants of A who are not up to their task, who are not elevating themselves to the level of A. But sometimes a person appears who is like A and who is then destined to eventually restore the positions of Adam and Eve. Of course, all descendants of Adam and Eve have this destiny, but those with bigger burdens will be engaged more in overcoming the added mistakes by their ancestors. Because of this they cannot yet feel to be like Adam or Eve. They may be struggling with overcoming the accusations that they are thieves or being wrong in other ways.

For those people with the mission of Adam as inherited through the central line running through A, it is also true that they inherit the foundations of their ancestors, good and bad both, and that they must work their path backwards by coming in situations that are parallel first to the later ancestors and eventually coming to the first ancestors.

If A had a problem to sometimes be dominated by B and C and therefor A sometimes lost his faith, then A's descendants must overcome this. They will need to meet the descendants of B and C until they made victories of faith.

Once a person in a generation makes a victory, there will be a change of spirit world for him or her. It's similar to when a young person gets hooked by a criminal gang. When that young person disengages from the criminal activities, his friends in the gang may first make effort to keep him in the gang but will eventually not bother him anymore. In a similar way, the spirit world that attaches to us changes once we proved to live according to new standards. These spirits either change with us or they will leave if they didn't want to change.

Eventually a person going through the parallels of history of his ancestors will find himself in situations that parallel those of the first ancestors' lives. At that time very old spirits unknown to most people may come to him or her and most complicated processes of restoration may be needed.

Also the history of central figures in God's Providence is not just one of progress. While successive central figures over the ages have enjoyed the benefits of what former central figures accomplished or discovered, they also inherited the task to overcome the mistakes made by later central figures. The same is true for historic religions in God's Providence. Although there can be seen an upward line of development, expressed for example in new revelations of truth, it is also true that sometimes new mistakes were made in the later religions. Those mistakes then must be restored first before the full merit of inheritance of an older religious foundation can be entertained.