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Gravity centers earth - human.jpg
This exercise is part of Divine Body Practice

This exercise can be done standing, but i did it walking. For a good effect you need to do it for at least 20 minutes, in some cases longer, and you may need to repeat this exercise several times.

First concentrate on your own energy, that is make yourself aware that you are not only a body but you also are energy. When you begin to feel this, concentrate on your center of gravity, in your belly, ca behind your belly button. This center of gravity is not only a physical center, it also is an energy center that is much used, for example by martial artists who work with chi. One name for this energy center is: Lower dantian (下丹田, Xia Dantian).

This center contains what i would call 'gravity energy.' It is the most important energy of the earth. We all are influenced by gravity of the earth, but it is not only a physical force, it also is an energy.

The center of this energy in the earth is the center of the earth. This exercise is to fill your energy center with gravity energy of the earth.

After you focused for some time on the energy center in your belly, now focus on the center of the earth and the energy there. Imagine that your own gravity center and that of the earth become one. Make sure that you concentrate all the time and let no other thoughts come in your mind.

Make these two centers to one center. Gradually the energy of the earth will fill your belly. As this happens, you may feel to become heavier. When i did this exercise today, at the end i felt like my feet were pulled towards the center of the earth and that my entire body was underneath the surface of the earth, as if i was plowing through the soil.

Once you have acquired enough energy of the earth in the energy center in your belly, you can use this energy for many purposes, for example for healing and also in fighting and other body exercises.

This energy is the basis for most of the other energies of the earth. This means that when you know this gravity energy, you can use it to receive other energies from the earth.

When i did the exercise today, at the end i felt rather dizzy. This can happen when new energy comes into our system. It is not a bad sign, but it means that you still are learning to control this particular energy or a bigger amount of that energy.