If i were a smart banker...

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Bankers Hall-Calgary.JPG
This page is part of an ERW course, Principles of economic restoration. By John Eagles, September 29, 2008

This is what i would do, to get richer under all circumstances, and to increase my riches over the generations of my children and grandchildren and grand-grandchildren.

I would always be neutral in each occurring war. I would never choose sides because both parties are my customers. It doesn’t matter how and where I earn my money. When I control the money, I can always make profit, in war and in peace, whether there is a depression or a soaring economy.

When prices are higher, more money goes around. So when I manage to artificially raise prices, because I own the banks, people come to me to deposit their money and to borrow it. In either case, I will gain.

Speculation on stock markets is a good thing, because some people will get very rich and bring their money to me. Eventually there has to be paid for those who got rich by speculation. But it will never be me who pays. It will always be those people who are not in control of money.

I can raise prices by luring people into lending them much money. For example, the easier I make it for them to buy and build houses, the more interest I will get from the money they borrowed. The entire economy will boom because more houses being built, more money going around, more speculation on stock markets. Eventually this is all going to collapse. It is logical. When more and more people buy houses, prices will soar and eventually these will be in no comparison anymore to the real value.

When this happens, I must make sure that I have gotten the profits out of my banks. Several banks and many other corporations will collapse, but that doesn’t matter. I myself will have gotten much richer. The point is that these banks are just instruments for me to make myself rich.

When the economy is going to collapse, I must make sure that I have gotten much influence in the governments. I can do this by bribing them all the time. Of course, I should never call this bribing. I just support their election campaigns and make friends with them in elite clubs, for which organization and housing I pay. In this way I can have much control over how these people govern their countries and I can determine to a rather large degree who is going to be in the government.

When the financial system collapses, these governments are going to take more control over the banks. They will do this in name of the people, but in reality it are the people who control nothing who have to pay for it.

Meanwhile I am going to put my money in new banks and new corporations. Now I still have more control than before. Both the new and old banks are under my control. The new banks because I own them and the old banks because I will put my money in these again after the government took them over and also because I control these governments to a degree.

Where would these governments get their money to buy these collapsed banks? They can only get it from me as I control the money. You see how it works? They always have to come to me and pay interest and I will again become richer.

Of course I cannot always control everything that governments do. There might come revolutions and wars, but I know a way to make money out of that too. I cannot tell you here exactly how I do that as I cannot reveal to you all my secrets. After all, if I did that you might get as rich as I am and that is not what I intend.

Did I already tell you how I make much money through pension funds and insurance companies? If you want to know that, you will have to work for me. When you are really good I might initiate you in some of our secrets.