Eagle-rock.org:Community portal

From eagle-rock.org

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Images: needs function to upload images

  • Wikimedia Commons offers many free images, but embedding them here didn't work (yet). Probably needs configuring the server. --John Eagles 09:41, 18 December 2011 (PST)
  • There seems to be a possibility here: "A group of wikis may have designated one "preferred wiki" to upload files to, with sharing of those files enabled. Among Wikimedia wikis, Wikimedia Commons works for this. If images are uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, they can be used in all Wikimedia wikis." (Help:Images and other uploaded files). However, i think we should also create our own upload possibility for files. ----
  • Manual:Configuring file uploads. I think this needs to be done by changing settings in the server. --John Eagles 23:44, 17 December 2011 (PST)
  • This page tells more about uploading files --John Eagles 23:46, 17 December 2011 (PST)

I've asked Steve to make the following changes to configuration files. He says he can have them done by Tuesday morning : --Charles 11:48, 18 December 2011 (PST)

  • 1. Make sure uploads are enabled in PHP

The following needs to be set in php.ini (which may be located somewhere like /etc/php/php.ini, /etc/php4/php.ini, /etc/php5/cli/php.ini &/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (openSUSE 11.2), /usr/local/lib/php.ini or on Win32 C:\Windows\php.ini): file_uploads = On If this is not set, PHP scripts cannot use the upload functions, and MediaWiki's uploads will not be enabled.

  • 2. Check for Windows and IIS users

Set %SystemRoot%\TEMP to have permissions for the Internet Guest Account (IUSR_MachineName, or IUSR for IIS 7+): Read, write and execute;

  • 3. Check directory security

The upload directory needs to be configured so that it is not possible for an end user to upload and execute other scripts, which could then exploit access to your web directory and damage your wiki or web site.

Set the /images folder (or the /uploads folder in previous versions) to have permission "755":

  • 4. Setting uploads on/off'

MediaWiki version: In MediaWiki version 1.5 and later, the attribute to be set resides in LocalSettings.php and $wgEnableUploads is set as follows: ≥ 1.5 $wgEnableUploads = true; # Enable uploads This enables uploads, as one might expect. To disable them, set the attribute to false:

  • 5. Upload permissions

Per default, all registered users can upload files. This is the biggest security worry we have so we want to be sure to restrict Normal Users from having upload privileges. To restrict this, you have to change $wgGroupPermissions: To prevent normal users from uploading files: $wgGroupPermissions['user']['upload'] = false;

This will give us our private upload folder and set permissions for all but regular users to upload files there. --Charles 11:48, 18 December 2011 (PST)

Discussing the goals and format of this site

  • Here's the outcome of today's prayer and meditation about the purpose of this site:

I would like to make it entirely a website to present and moderate training courses. That means that it won't just function as a regular encyclopedia. There are several useful encyclopedia already on the internet, for example the Wikipedia, the New World Encyclopedia. This is not just about providing information and knowledge, but it is to help people in their efforts to grow internally, to acquire useful skills and knowledge and to practice it. All information presented should be part of a study course, or a practical course, or a religious course. There can be several courses and we can invite people to write a course. For example, i know someone who could write a course to learn the craft of cabinet-making. Much information would be needed for that, probably many pages. But besides these pages there has to be a structure to guide a student through the course, probably including tests. Charles could write a course to make wine. Etc. Of course i shall write courses based on my expertise. There could be more than one course in learning the Divine Principle. We can help students to go through such a course using all kinds of learning aids, videos, diagrams, tests, etc. --John Eagles 09:33, 18 December 2011 (PST)

  • My feeling at the moment is to make this a broader encyclopedia-type site, in which i can use certain pages as part of a curriculum. These pages probably need prohibition for free editing. --John Eagles 23:46, 17 December 2011 (PST)

Developing coursework and curriculum is a topic in itself. I will do some research and link to useful guides. I did read up on building something called a Knowledge Base. Software companies have these so users can find answers to common questions. The indexing functions of the Wiki software will make this possible although there is also specialized software to develop a KB.

I'm entirely in agreement that while there are many encyclopedia, practical application and training, remote learning, is lacking. This is true in many areas I believe are important so this can be a resource to fill that need and the more genuinely useful it is, the more people it will reach. I suppose that eventually, it could function as an online university of sorts. The sky's the limit when you harness the power of Wikinomics.--Charles 12:42, 18 December 2011 (PST)

Logo for this site

  • Maybe something for you Charles? Eagle + Rock = Heaven + Earth = Spirit world and physical world united --John Eagles 23:50, 17 December 2011 (PST)

New pages

  • Presently most new pages are test pages. Here's where you can find all New pages --John Eagles 00:10, 18 December 2011 (PST)

Help for editing

  • For the time being i put some links to pages in the common Mediawiki manual here: Help:Editing --John Eagles 00:44, 18 December 2011 (PST)

Edit toolbar

  • More buttons can be included, such as for tables. See Help:Edit toolbar --John Eagles 01:50, 18 December 2011 (PST)