Research page:Spiritual exercises

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See also

Spiritual exercises

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis: You become wide awake but can't move a limb.

I know of a few possibilities here.

One is that a spirit tries to control your body. If the spirit is successful, it leads to full possession. If not, you yourself gain back control. When your spirit is pushed out, it becomes an OBE (out-of-body) experience.[1] When the ones in spirit world doing this are benevolent to you, your spirit can come back in the body. If not, another spirit may take your body. Sometimes that spirit lives there together with your own spirit, sometimes your own spirit is pushed out. The latter is often the case when the spirits are malevolent.

Sometimes more heavenly spirits or angels also do such things. Another spirit temporarily dwells with your own spirit in the body in order to teach you something.

Another possibility is that from the spirit world changes are made to the energy systems of your body. Also in that case, the spirit is temporarily hypnotized and cannot control your body. Often this happens in sleep or in an unconscious state. Also this can be done either by good or by bad spirits.

When spirits push themselves into your body in an aggressive way, people often fall unconscious for a while. When it happens in sleep, you may not notice it. When you wake up, you may feel paralyzed.

The best to do in each of these cases is to pray. Your connecting to God makes your spirit stronger and you can sense if you should cooperate or resist the experience.


External links

  • Possession: Demon and Earthbound Spirits Silently Inhabit Most Souls Dr. Modi discovered that during hypnotic therapy many patients claimed to have 'entities" attached to them, living in their energy fields and affecting their behavior. I find it remarkable that the patients under hypnosis seem to 'know' about these entities and how they work, for example patients reported that their souls were fragmented due to some trauma. There's quite some technical details there. How could all these patients subconsciously have similar knowledge? Is it because Dr. Modi attributes his own ideas to the patients' testimonies, or is it because a knowledgeable spirit or angel speaks through his patients when they are under hypnosis? JE