Research pages:Divine School

This page is to prepare the Divine School curriculum.

Divine School is the 'School of life.' It's the education and training for people who desire for a life with God. Divine School contains the most fundamental courses of training and education that each person should follow during the physical life.

Main courses

Circle of Care

Each person takes a position that identifies him or her in relation to the family in which he or she was born. We call this the Family Position.

The family position can be defined in relation to a vertical axis of human existence, the axis through which God pours out love to all created beings. Such love of God wants to be expressed in more external ways. On the one end of this axis is God, who is most internal. On the other end is creation, which is most external. The source of this axis is love. Training in this position is a training in love. The Circle of Care refers to our task to learn to love God and all creations of God. We learn to love by taking care.

Always we inherit God's love. In the training of the Circle of Care we learn to inherit God's love in deeper and more developed ways. We inherit and give out God's love depending on the position we take in God's family, or all God's children. We could be a child, or a parent, or a grandparent, or a brother or a sister, etc. Our family position determines what kind of love we can receive and give out.

Mission Training

The horizontal axis of the universe and of each individual’s identity is the axis through which energy is expressed. Energy is expressed by each individual in what is called the mission of a person. A teacher expresses energy in a totally different way than a carpenter does. Such energy is expressed in two ways: in spiritual creations and in physical creations.

Training of this axis is given in Divine School in the General Mission Trainings (Music, Creation Training, Divine Fighting Practice, Natural Health Ways, External Mission), and in the Personal Mission Training. Through the mission trainings we learn to express our energy in most diverse and developed ways.

Formula-Course Training