Traditional Chinese Qigong exercises

Revision as of 23:16, 1 July 2013 by Charles (talk | contribs)
These exercises are part of Divine Body Practice, topic Energy exercises & principles
Exercises assembled by John Eagles.

Qigong walks

  1. Walk by putting your left leg in front of your right leg but at the right side, then advance your right leg putting it in front of the left leg on the left side of it. To open many energy channels. (The video shows this walk)
  2. Walk by putting your right leg in front of your left leg but circling it from behind the left leg. Then make a full circle with your left leg behind your right leg to the front and the right of your right leg. To open many energy channels.

Qigong with Ken Cohen - Whole Body Breathing

In Ken Cohen's Qigong: Traditional Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit, you will learn ancient techniques for harnessing the massive power of qi literally, the vital breath or energy of the universe. Thousands of years before the establishment of Western medicine, Chinese masters perfected a system of gentle movements and meditative postures that can channel qi into the body for detoxifying, energizing, and healing. Ken Cohen, preeminent qigong master in the West, presents authentic practices on Qigong.

Qigong with Ken Cohen - Purifying the Qi: Bone Marrow Cleansing

Qigong with Ken Cohen - Gathering and Circulating Qi: Walking Meditation Part 1


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