Learn to feel your own energy sphere and those of all things around you

From eagle-rock.org
Tree with energy sphere.jpg
This exercise is part of Divine Body Practice
By John Eagles, June 3, 2012.

Each object and each living being has energy. In general, this energy radiates out from the being or object. For example, a tree could have an energy sphere around it as shown in the photo.

Why should we learn to sense these energy spheres? I could give several reasons, but one is that when we come in the spirit world, much of it is controlled by angels. Many angels are experts in working with energy, and of course also in sensing energies. When we haven't learned to sense energies, it's more difficult to compete with angels and to get dominion over them.

Learning to sense energies is also helpful in healing practices and the martial arts.

The exercise given here is to concentrate first on your own energy. Try to feel it while you walk or stand or sit. When you can feel your own energy, and how far it radiates, try to sense the energy of each thing around you. At first this may be difficult, but with enough practice you can learn this. You sense something different about each thing or being. Each living being or object has a certain feeling over it. Many people think that this feeling comes from the physical characteristics and although this is partly true, there is more to it. There also is an energy that you sense or even see with your spiritual senses.

Eventually you can learn to sense it when you enter the energy sphere of a living being or thing. You can also learn to analyze this energy and draw conclusions about the condition. For example, a tree that is ill gives off an ill energy. Even if you don't see the tree, you can learn to sense this.