Seminar Faith:First result of the Foundation of Faith: Love relationship with God

- This is section 6 of the Seminar Faith. Comments or questions are appreciated. You can also write to John Eagles.
In the love we have for God... Is the base of faith deep and broad... We expand our faith by giving... Will enlighten all our living... No excuse for losing faith... In our hands we carry our fate...
First result of the Foundation of Faith: Love relationship with God
What happens when you give love to someone, when you invest in a good relationship, when you serve a person? Your love for that person grows. It is the same when you make offerings for the foundation of faith. When your offerings are truly for God, the more you invest, the more your love for God deepens. And also God's love for you.
The main goal for making the foundation of faith is that we develop our love for God, and God's love for us. Concepts like 'foundation of faith' and 'offering' are kind of artificial. They describe, often explained with many words, how we should have a good relationship with God. But actually what is meant is that we love God and have a natural relationship with God. It's normal to give and to receive in a relationship with someone who is close to us.
Due to the fall of man and of angels, we are in a position in which it is cumbersome to feel close to God. The closeness to God, so natural in an original situation, has been barred by many obstacles. The foundation of faith is what we need to make in order to overcome the barriers between God and ourselves.
It is somewhat similar to someone who broke both his legs and after a long period of healing, he has to go through therapy and a process of revalidation to learn walking again. While walking and running is normally done without thinking, now the person has to move his legs very cautiously and consciously step after step.
Making a foundation of faith is very much like this. We have to learn loving God again. To love God is the most natural thing in the world. To hear God's voice is as normal as that animals obey their instinct. But we fell away from God and now we must make extra effort to feel close to God.
Who's responsible?
Who is responsible to do this? From the viewpoint of love, both God and man are responsible for the foundation of faith. However, we can assume that God is already doing everything to reach man. What is left is man's responsibility.
Man's first responsibility is to make the foundation of faith. When someone loses faith in God, this always is solely man's responsibility. There is no excuse for losing your faith, because always i or you only are responsible for making a foundation of faith, for loving God.
God did never do anything that could justify anybody's bad feelings against God. Although our lack of faith in God stems from generations of ancestors who had little or no faith in God, we cannot turn back time and expect our ancestors to now do what they failed to do in the past. It's always me or you who is entirely responsible to love God and to have faith in God.
The 'Foundation of Faith' is what we must build in order to regain love for and faith in God. We must build this foundation step after step in our own lives, by fulfilling our own responsibility.
What is this responsibility? It starts with having trust in God. It begins with believing that God wants to help us to build this foundation of faith. God won't ask us things that we could not handle. This is because of God's love for us. A loving parent would not put overly demanding tasks on the children. We can trust that whatever God is asking us to do, it is the best for us.
By trusting God and responding to God's call, we gradually build a foundation of faith. The first and main result of this is that our love for God grows.
- Assignments are optional tasks that may help you to get a deeper grasp of the topic of this section of the seminar.
- Please spend time in deep prayer to research in yourself the origins of doubt in God.
- Do the same but now to discover deep in your heart the love you have for God. Maybe you'll also discover hatred. Behind that hatred is the love.
Further reading
- Other articles on ERW that are related to the content of this section of the seminar.
What you should remember
- When your offerings are truly for God, the more you invest, the more your love for God deepens.
- The foundation of faith is what we need to make in order to overcome the barriers between God and ourselves.
- To hear God's voice is as normal as that animals obey their instinct. But we fell away from God and now we must make extra effort to feel close to God.
- There is no excuse for losing your faith, because always i or you only are responsible for making a foundation of faith, for loving God.
- What is our first responsibility? It starts with having trust in God. It begins with believing that God wants to help us to build this foundation of faith.
- Seminar Faith to go to the other sections of this seminar.
- Seminar Faith:Relationship to a more central figure of faith to go to the former section of this seminar.
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