The arts


The arts
Culture(6 C, 12 P)
Paul Cézanne 063.jpg
Caption: The Bridge of Trois-sautets (le Pont Des Trois-sautets) (1906), by Paul Cézanne.

Wikipedia: The arts

The arts are a large part of culture, and the word means much more than "art". The arts include visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.), literary arts (poetry, drama, story, etc.) and performing arts (theatre, music, dance, drama, etc.).
The arts represent an outlet of expression, that is usually influenced by culture and which in turn helps to change culture. As such, the arts are a physical manifestation of the internal creative impulse.
"The arts" are usually contrasted with "The sciences".

See also

Pages under the topic Culture

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The arts
Paul Cézanne 063.jpg