The fair and just life in restoration
Underlying topic(s):
- This page is part of an ERW course: Internal Guidance, section Restoration. By John Eagles, February 18, 2001.
When we look at certain situations in life, we could wonder why these situations come up. There are human relations in which we find ourselves stuck. How do we have to see this?
It all has to do with restoration. There are certain original relations in life, for example, there is the relationship between God and man, there is the relationship between God and angels. There is the relationship between parents and children, between husband and wife, and there is the relationship between man and angels.
The fall meant that all these relations have become wrong. Angels and man took wrong positions in relation to God and in relation to each other. People are born in a certain time, and then we find ourselves in a particular situation. Restoration is such that we cannot escape these particular relations and that particular situation.
Why do we find ourselves in a specific situation? It is usually difficult to explain why. The reasons for it are hidden in history.
Cain and Abel were born as children of Adam and Eve. They were born with the responsibility to restore the mistakes of Lucifer and Adam, therefore Cain came to stand in Lucifer’s position and Abel in Adam’s position. Eve, in that situation, kept her old role of Eve, but had to do right in relation to Cain and Abel what she had done wrong in relation to Lucifer and Adam.
Certain things happened between Cain and Abel. There did not take place restoration but a new fall. The children of Cain and Seth had to solve the problems made by their ancestors, Lucifer, Adam and Eve and Cain and Seth. Each new generation that is born must solve the problems from their own parents and also the problems from all their ancestors.
Generally speaking, you must first overcome the sins which came to you from your own life. Once you have done that, you must solve the sins of your own parents. Then the problems of your grandparents, and then of ancestors further back in history. Eventually, if you have successfully overcome the sins of yourself and all your ancestors, you come to have to solve the sins of Adam and Eve.
Your task to solve sins goes back in time. The most recent sins, committed by yourself or inherited, have to be solved first. Later, you must solve sins of ancestors of older times.
The problems that came to you from oldest generations, earliest ancestors, are also the problems that are stuck deepest in you. Your own sins of today and yesterday are more on the surface of your being.
Sins get stuck in your entire being. You are heart, mind, body and creation. All sins have effect on your entire being, on your body, mind and heart. But the oldest sins are rooted most deeply in your heart. The more recent sins attach to your surface.
So, solving your sins, in a process of restoration, goes from external to internal, which is the same as from more recent to more ancient sins.
Also ancient sins, which were inherited by you from earliest ancestors, are your own personal sins. Those sins belong to you. They are rooted and hidden deeply in your heart and they are actually causing most of the more recent and personal sins that you tend to commit.
The core of your sins are the sins from earliest times, going back thousands of years. You yourself can be seen as a product of your ancestors, their sins but also their good deeds. Your whole being is a reflection of your own doings, but also a reflection of what your ancestors did. In that sense, you don’t belong to yourself. You belong to the past, to your own ancestors, going back to Adam and Eve and even Lucifer. There are in you elements from the first Adam, the first Eve and also from Lucifer. There are also elements in you from your oldest and earliest ancestor, that is God.
So what is you? 'You' is a combination of inherited qualities and patterns, good or evil, from all your ancestors.
This is the reason why you can only overcome your sins in processes of restoration.
For example: you have inherited certain fallen natures from your first ancestor Lucifer, the evil archangel. You could say, part of you is Lucifer. That part of you that is Lucifer, is hidden deep in your own being.
Of course, there also are parts in you that are Adam, or Eve, or Cain, etc. In restoration, this means that you have to play the roles of all these personages. You have to play the role of Adam, Lucifer, Eve, Cain, Abel, Abraham, Jesus, your own father, etc. All kind of historical situations will come up in your life, as a very natural result of the fact that you yourself are history. History is contained in you, in a particular way. No one is the same. Everyone has inherited from different ancestors.
For example, one person could have inherited more from Lucifer and Cain, while another person has inherited more from Jacob. What there is in you makes out your position in the worldwide and cosmic Providence of Restoration. Everyone in this universe has to play a certain role.
Now suppose that you are in the stage of your life that you have to play the role of Lucifer, and someone else plays the role of original Adam. In that case, it is so that you only play that role of Lucifer insofar you yourself really are Lucifer. You could never come to stand in the position of Lucifer if you had nothing of Lucifer in you. In that sense, the Providence of Restoration is entirely fair and just, to anyone who gets to play a role in it.

Also: 1 = Deepest nature of yourself and oldest nature that you inherited 2 = Medium deep nature of yourself and old but not oldest nature that you inherited 3 = Superficial nature of yourself developed in your own personal life 4 = New evil deeds from you in the present, making new evil nature in yourself