Difference between revisions of "List of all plants in the knowledge base"

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: ''This page has been last updated --[[User:John|John Eagles]] 09:19, 1 January 2012 (PST)''
: ''To see the list go to [http://eagle-rock.org/index.php/Category:Plants Category:Plants]
== List ==
<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3">
== '''A''' ==
* [[Alder]]
* [[Alfalfa]] sprouts
* [[Aloe vera]]
* [[Amelanchier]]
* [[Amaranthus caudatus]]
* [[Anise]]
* [[Apple]]
* [[Apricot]]
* [[Arrowhead]]
* [[Asparagus]]
== '''B''' ==
* [[Barley]]
* [[Basil]]
* [[Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)]]
* [[Beetroot]]
* [[Bell pepper]]
* [[Birch]]
* [[Bird cherry]]
* [[Bird vetch]]
* [[Blackberry]]
* [[Black cherry]]
* [[Blackcurrant]]
* [[Black salsify]]
* [[Borage]]
* [[Brussels sprouts]]
* [[Buckwheat]]
== '''C''' ==
* [[Calendula]]
* [[Capucijner pea]]
* [[Caraway]]
* [[Carrot]]
* [[Cauliflower]]
* [[Celery]]
* [[Celery root]]
* [[Chard]]
* [[Chervil]]
* [[Chickweed]]
* [[Chinese cabbage]]
* [[Coriander]]
* [[Corn salad]]
* [[Cucumber]]
== '''D''' ==
* [[Dahlia]]
* [[Dandelion]]
* [[Delphinium]]
* [[Dianthus]]
* [[Digitalis]]
== '''E''' ==
* [[Elderberry]]
== '''F''' ==
* [[Fava bean]]
* [[Fig]]
* [[Forget-me-not]]
== '''G''' ==
* [[Galium odoratum]]
* [[Garden cress]]
* [[Garlic]]
* [[Gladiolus]]
* [[Goldenrod]]
* [[Gooseberry]]
* [[Grape]]
* [[Grass]]
* [[Ground ivy]]
== '''H''' ==
* [[Heather]]
* [[Hedge bindweed]]
* [[Hollyhock]]
* [[Hop]]
* [[Horseradish]]
* [[Horsetail]]
* [[Hyssop]]
== '''K''' ==
* [[Kale]]
== '''L''' ==
* [[Lavatera]]
* [[Lavender]]
* [[Leek]]
* [[Lettuce]]
* [[Linseed]]
* [[Lovage]]
* [[Lupin]]
== '''M''' ==
* [[Margarite (Leucanthemum vulgare)]]
* [[Mentha]]
* [[Mullein]]
* [[Mustard]]
== '''N''' ==
* [[Nepeta]]
* [[Nettle]]
== '''O''' ==
* [[Oak]]
* [[Oenothera]]
* [[Onion]]
* [[Oregano]]
* [[Oyster mushroom]]
== '''P''' ==
* [[Parsley]]
* [[Pea]]
* [[Pear]]
* [[Phacelia]]
* [[Physalis peruviana]]
* [[Plantain]]
* [[Poppy]]
* [[Potato]]
* [[Pumpkin]]
* [[Purslane]]
== '''R''' ==
* [[Radish]]
* [[Rapeseed]]
* [[Red clover]]
* [[Rhododendron]]
* [[Rhubarb]]
* [[Rocket]]
* [[Rosemary]]
* [[Rumex]]
* [[Rye]]
== '''S''' ==
* [[Sedum]]
* [[Snowball tree]]
* [[Snow pea]]
* Sorrel [[Rumex]]
* [[Spinach]]
* [[St John's wort]]
* [[Sunflower]]
* [[Strawberry]]
== '''T''' ==
* [[Tagetes]]
* [[Tansy]]
* [[Thistle]]
* [[Thuja]]
* [[Thyme]]
* Tobacco [[Nicotiana]]
* [[Tomato]]
* [[Tulip]]
* [[Turnip]]
== '''V''' ==
* [[Valerian]]
* [[Verbena]]
* [[Vinca major]]
* [[Viola]]
== '''W''' ==
* [[Waldsteinia]]
* [[Wallflower]]
* [[Watercress]]
* [[White cabbage]]
* [[Willow]]
* [[Wormwood]]
== '''Y''' ==
* [[Yarrow]]
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Garden calendar]]
* [[Gardening courses]]
* [[Gardening courses]]
* [[Knowledge base:Gardening]]

Latest revision as of 05:50, 27 January 2012

To see the list go to Category:Plants

See also