Exercises for children

From eagle-rock.org
Revision as of 06:59, 14 August 2012 by John (talk | contribs)
This exercise is part of Divine Body Practice
Exercises by or assembled by John Eagles.

Pushing or pulling hands

Pushing & pulling hands 120810.jpg

Two children stretch their arms and stand face to face holding their hand palms to each other. They push to move the other child from its position. The one who first makes a step looses.

To get strength and also to learn to adapt to the other person's pull and energy.

Variation: Instead of pushing, pull!

Catch the wind

Children - Catch the wind.jpg

Stand like a tree and move your arms simultaneously waving up above your head and down again. Imagine that your arms are branches with leaves catching wind energy.

This exercise is to stretch your body but also a beginner's exercise to learn to take in good energies from nature.


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